šŸ¤±"Is Your Child Being Dramatic?"

Tips to help you navigate moments with Oscar-worthy performances from your child.

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ā€œItā€™s not hot, itā€™s lukewarm,ā€ I told my 4-year-old after she shouted about the water being too hot as we rinsed our hands.

ā€œItā€™s hot to me,ā€ she responded.

I had a choice point: do I argue with my preschooler or do I validate her experience? As I reflected on this question, I had a flashback to a core memory in my own childhood. We were at a small restaurant having breakfast with my tĆ­as and abuelitos and I ordered something familiar: eggs. After taking the first bite I didnā€™t want anymoreā€”they were over easy, but seemed undercooked. When I refused, one of my tĆ­as told me to stop complaining and that I had to eat them.

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Responding would have been disrespectful, so I ate themā€”all of them. That afternoon I got sick to my stomach and it lasted through the next day. This was one of the first instances from my childhood that I associated with my struggle as an adult to advocate for my needs and I knew I didnā€™t want the same for my children.

This short exchange stopped me in my tracksā€”she was right. How could I know what that water felt like to her? I know what it felt like to me, and based off of that, I can make an assumption of what I think her experience was. However, thereā€™s no way I could actually know. But before we continue this conversation, go support the sponsor we love today, hereā€™s a quick ad for them.

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Although our intention as parents and caregivers isnā€™t to invalidate or minimize our childrenā€™s perceptions of their experiences, it still happens. When we do so, it can create an internal dialogue that leads to our children doubting themselves, becoming people pleasers, and questioning their realities. For those of us who grew up in homes where it was seen as disrespectful to respond to comments that minimized our perceptions, it might be challenging to shift our perceptions and habits around this practice.

One of the biggest ways Iā€™ve been able to unlearn these patterns of internalized oppressionā€”so that my children grow up feeling empoweredā€”has been becoming aware of my beliefs around voicing our experiences. Some internalized beliefs Iā€™ve uncovered are: Itā€™s unsafe to voice how you feel. If you say something, people are going to think youā€™re too sensitive. No oneā€™s going to believe you. When I became aware of these beliefs, I was able to start creating new beliefs, grounded in my value of advocacy.

Another shift I made was acknowledging two things that can be true at once: a personā€™s perceptions are their reality and good intentions can still create harm. This one has been especially important in navigating moments like these with my younger kiddos (and teens). I can have the best of intentions, but if the way it was received caused harm or certain feelings, itā€™s still my responsibility to own my part. Something I continue to work on and refine on a daily basis.

*Please give a gentle round of applause tooā€¦*

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